Scripture Reading - Psalms 35:27-28 KJV

27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long.

The message of “prosperity” is very popular because very few people think that they have enough money. As a matter of fact even those people who are living very comfortably today in prosperity still believe that they could use more money because the future seems unpredictable. When speaking on the subject of “prosperity” the Christian must believe God’s Word (The Holy Bible) to clearly understand God’s definition of “prosperity”. In studying God’s Word we notice that “prosperity in Christ” or “prospering in God” is the highest form of “prosperity” because growing in the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of God is immeasurable. We can understand with all certainty that being changed in the very image and likeness of God in spirit, soul and body (at least allowing the glory of God to shine forth from the physical body) is living God’s Will upon this earth. This is what being a true witness for God to the world is all about. No one can argue that “prospering” in your relationships, family and career are all godly blessing too. However, in this writing we will concentrate on “financial prosperity” which includes doing well with the physical money God places in your hands (literally speaking). We have found this topic of “financial prosperity” to be somewhat elusive because although many speak of it only a small portion of people experience the reality of this truth to the measure God intended. This reason for this lack of financial prosperity in the earth is sevenfold: Greed, lack of discipline in saving and spending, lack of knowledge of good financial principles, lack of honoring God financially, fear of failure to do exactly what God placed in your heart, false doctrine, sickness/disease that constrains a person from reaching their full potential all work against God’s plan for man to be “prosperous”. However, one constant theme we (ihlcc) have noticed about people who live in “prosperity” is that they have more than enough money to meet their basic needs plus extra money to do what the they want and some money in the bank (savings) for emergencies. This sounds simple but it should be because some people are being confused by all the books and seminars on how to obtain wealth. For example, you cannot obtain wealth by being a good or loving person. No enduring wealth is built by solid principles – always spending less than you bring home, always placing some money in savings, always watching out for people or projects or programs that want to use your money for they benefit, etc... Yes, there are many things operating in this world’s system that are established to steal your money, so you must be wise and discipline in your financial planning. Yes, God’s Will for “prosperity” is real and the Lord intends for all His Children (and servants) to “prosper” in some form or another but we must be willing to be led by God’s Wisdom (His Word) and demonstrate patience on the road to “prosperity”. Many people want a get-rich-quick scheme but there is no such scheme in the Word of God because the Lord rewards faithfulness and good judgment (decision making) when it comes to “prosperity”. So be wise stewards of God’s resources by always using them according to God’s Word to get the maximum benefit of the blessing. Please walk by faith and patience when confessing that God “prospers” you and your family in your pursuit of financial “prosperity”. Eventually with solid knowledge and sound planning you will see the goodness of God displayed in your very own portfolio in tangible form of “prosperity”. Amen!